Wednesday 10 August 2011

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Images

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder otherwise known as TMJ Syndrome,is a term covering chronic or acute inflammation of the Temporomandibular Joint. The Temporomandibular Joint connects the mandible and the skull. This disorder can result in pain and impairment.
The symptoms of the temporomandibular disorder can be a bit complex. The symptoms will involve the TMJ components (i.e) nerves,muscles,tendons,ligaments,bones,teeth, and connective tissues. It might also cause ear pain and swelling of the proximal tissue.

Easily identifial symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint disorders are:
chewing difficulty
clicking sound when opening or closing the mount
headache in the morning
ear pain in the morning
Hearing loss
jaw pain.
neck and shoulder pain.
dizziness (or) faintnes